Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tuina Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tuina BSc (TCM), BM (China), MATCM
Alex Owen started his training in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in 1996 and studied in the UK and China for 9 years. He holds qualifications from UK and China and is a full member of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.
Since qualifying in 2005 Alex has taught at Middlesex University acupuncture training clinic and in various clinics on the NHS. In 2006 he helped setup the first full-time maternity acupuncture service on the NHS, at Whittington Hospital. This highly successful service was seeing over 150 patients each month and is still running today.
Alex believes very much in tailoring treatments for each patient and accesses the broad array of treatments available from TCM including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, tuina (Chinese massage), cupping, moxibustion and many more.
Alex has a broad knowledge of many health issues but specialise in both male and female fertility, problems during pregnancy and pain conditions. Alex works in clinics across Hertfordshire and at Highgate Holistic Clinic in North London.
Alex is happy to see you if you are struggling with fertility issues and are trying to conceive naturally or following the assisted fertility routes, such as IVF and IUI. During pregnancy acupuncture is a great, drug-free, therapy which can help with anything from morning sickness to back pain, as well as helping to turn breech babies or helping to start labour naturally. Alex has great success with various pain conditions ranging from arthritis and sports injuries to migraines and frozen shoulders.
Contact details
Mobile 07813 184180
Tuesdays from 3pm. Other times available by arrangement
Fees £60 per session
Herbal medicine and Tuina prices vary according to what you require.