Homeopathy: not a quick fix

How does homeopathy works? Often I have clients who are surprised not to experience immediate results when taking the remedy. They expect homeopathy to act like conventional medicine which fixes the symptoms, often temporarily. In homeopathy we are aiming to eliminate the symptoms and treat the root cause or trigger for those symptoms as well. Homeopathy will improve your health,...

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Top ten tips to support your immune system naturally during a pandemic

Most of our lives have been turned upside down by Coronavirus aka COVID-19. Working from home, minimal contact with the outside world and social distancing has become the new normal. Other than following the government guidelines of staying home and washing our hands there are some simple things we can all do to protect ourselves nutritionally. Our immune systems are...

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Stay S.A.F.E

I hope you, your family and friends are safe and well during these incredibly difficult times. These uncertain times that are impacting upon all our lives. Uncertainty is one of the biggest stressors. ‘Not knowing’ can make us feel like we are in a vacuum.  And being in lockdown/is an additional stress to our systems. Uncertainty causes a complex cascade...

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How to deal with our strong emotions

We didn’t see it coming. The past few weeks came as a shock and I think we are only now starting to get our heads around what just happened. Our first reaction was shock and disbelief. A lot of us went into denial, refusing to believe this was serious. You could often hear comments such as “it’s just the flu”...

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Homeopathic remedy that can help with coughs

I would like to share a few useful homeopathic remedies to resolve coughs. There are many cough remedies, however, these three seem to be quite helpful in the types of coughs people are currently experiencing. BRYONIA is number 1 for a dry hacking cough, with a painful chest whilst coughing. The person is very irritable, feels worse for any movement...

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Calming anxiety with homeopathy

We are currently overwhelmingly pre-occupied with Coronavirus. Coping with the psychological effects of physical distancing and self-isolation can be difficult. I would encourage you to do everything the government and health authorities are recommending to stay as well as you can. In addition, here are a few homeopathic remedies that could help. If you are experiencing a lot of anxiety,...

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How homeopathy can help with Covid-19

These are extremely challenging times; the uncertainty causes a cascade of feelings, such as confusion, fear, worry, frustration and powerlessness. The not knowing - how long this will last, am I a carrier/infected, how will I provide for my family - is a major cause of stress. And prolonged stress in and of itself impacts negatively on our immune system....

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iron rich meal

Fatigued? Brain fog? Drained? You could be low in iron.

Many clients have come to me recently with symptoms of low iron such as fatigue, lack of energy, brain fog and in severe cases with shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Sustained low iron intake could cause iron deficiency anaemia. The World Health organisation (WHO) recognised iron deficiency anaemia as the most common form of anaemia affecting around 2 billion...

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How to stop being a people-pleaser

Being a people-pleaser is one of the most common traits I’ve observed around me, whether it’s with my close ones, my colleagues or my clients. So many of us have learnt somehow to become a people-pleaser and we’re not even conscious that’s what we’re doing anymore. And even more worryingly, a lot of people are still not aware it is...

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Led light


Are you looking for a natural and long-lasting solution to the ageing process? Do you suffer from acne breakouts or scarring? **INTRODUCING FACIAL REJUVENATION ACUPUNCTURE AND CELLUMA® LED LIGHT THERAPY** Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture often hailed as a ‘natural facelift’, works in several ways: By increasing blood flow and circulation to the face, the treatment lifts and tones sagging muscles and...

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Morning sickness

Morning sickness or Hyperemesis gravidarum as it is known medically manifests generally during the first trimester of pregnancy. It can come in varying forms and degrees but it is one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy and most women will experience it to some degree. It can manifest as just nausea or as nausea and vomiting. Some women...

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Japanese woman

Advice from Japanese Grandmothers on How to Be Beautiful

From Inner Peace, Outer Beauty Natural Japanese Health and Beauty Secrets Revealed By Michelle Dominique Leigh   Protect your skin from the sun. Drink pure water, breathe good air, live in a clean house. As you grow older, don’t envy the fresh blossoms of spring To have clear, smooth skin, care for it diligently by cleaning it completely, protecting it...

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