Facial Fusion Acupuncture comes to Highgate

Beauty acupuncture has, until recently, been the reserve of the Hollywood elite and the secret technique of those wishing to maintain their youthful looks the natural way, without committing to the knife.
Using acupuncture to repair the unwanted effects of ageing is not a new idea, but one that can be traced back thousands of years. Using these ancient secrets, combined with a modern scientific understanding of the skin, gives beauty acupuncture an allure that many celebrities have found difficult to resist. Among its avid devotees are Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian, Sandra Bullock and Madonna.
So how does beauty acupuncture actually work? Tiny needles, as fine as a hair, are inserted into special energy points on the face. These stimulate the skins’ natural ability to regenerate and restructure. By clearing inflammation, eliminating toxins and encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, your skin becomes smoother, firmer and a new more youthful you is released.
The science behind it explains that with an increase in circulation to the face, more oxygen is brought to nourish and enliven the micro-circulation. This, in turn, smooths the complexion, firms the facial muscles and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Fine lines and wrinkles diminish and your face appears more toned and defined.
Alex Owen has been practising acupuncture for over 15 years and has a wealth of experience in health and well being. He understands treating the external is only the beginning, as true beauty can only come from within. That is why he has spent many years developing a beauty treatment that not only utilises acupunctures healing effect for the skin but also it’s the ability to rediscover internal health. The end result is Facial Fusion AcupunctureTM.
Facial Fusion AcupunctureTM not only utilises classical acupuncture techniques but also incorporates ancient ayurvedic facial massage to complete this unique, root and branch approach to facial rejuvenation.
This blissful hour-long treatment starts by Alex investigating the areas you want worked on, and the internal issues that may be contributing to any premature signs of ageing. Next, you lay back and relax while the acupuncture gets to work. After about 30 minutes of stimulation from the needles, acupressure dermal rollers are used to help release the facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles. Finally, the ayurvedic facial massage takes the treatment to the next level invigorating both energy and blood circulation leaving your face feeling fresh and alive.
These unique acupuncture treatments are now available at Highgate Holistic Clinic. To book your initial session and receive a 10% discount you can contact Alex directly on 07813 184180 or email info@kunlun.co.uk